RISE - Good to Great in 90 days

  • Are you keen to set goals and create the habits it takes to achieve them?

  • Are you looking for some accountability? Someone to be your number one supporter while you tackle your goals?

  • Do you feel like you want to make change but have no idea where to start?

If so, the RISE may be just what you need!

12 Week personal development and coaching program delivered by Bec Fing and Heidi Smith which includes:

  • 8 live online sessions - 4 including content rich learning sessions and 4 focusing on accountability and group learning

  • Online portal containing videos, links, reading and learning materials

  • 4 workbooks to turn chalk and talk into practice change and action

  • 2 x one on one coaching session with Bec or Heidi to focus in on YOUR learnings, goals and challenges

  • Facebook group for sharing ideas, supporting each other and building a network of like minded people

If this sounds good to you or you want more information, follow the link and find out more!